Member Question of the Week

EC Pulling Bids

December 17, 2010

Q: What happens on non-public works projects when the EC, who was the apparent low bidder using our number, pulls back their bid? Are we at any risk? A: You Read the full article…

Tax Cuts

December 10, 2010

Q: What does the current debate in Washington on extending the Bush-era tax cuts mean for my year-end payroll withholding tax calculations? A. Reports are coming out hourly about this, Read the full article…

Sales Territories

December 3, 2010

Q: Do you have any suggestions for dividing existing sales territories when adding a new sales position? A: This is a common dilemma and one that generally causes conflict. Too Read the full article…

Holiday Schedules

November 19, 2010

Q: Do most of the other member companies stay open over the holidays? A: Now that’s a different type of question … I know that most certainly keep one or Read the full article…

#1 Profit Killer

November 5, 2010

Q: What do other contractors see as the number one profit killer on a job? A: I hear mostly about what we call “scope creep.” This is the combination of Read the full article…

On-Call Overtime

October 8, 2010

Q: If we require our employees to be on call, do they need to be paid overtime if this extends their 40-hour work week? A: No; that is, unless they Read the full article…

Employee Health Care

September 24, 2010

Q: What percentage of NSCA members offer health care insurance to their employees and what is the average portion they cover? A: The 2010 research shows that 95% of our Read the full article…

Stocking Distributors

September 17, 2010

Q: Do you see more manufacturers moving products through stocking distributors? How do they know who has the proper training, certifications and authorizations from the manufacturer? A: Yes, I describe Read the full article…

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