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What Every Integrator Needs to Know: NSCA Webinars and Roundtables

Register for NSCA webinars and roundtables to learn more about industry-specific business issues, research and trends, practical tips, tools, strategies, techniques, and resources on a variety of professional development topics.

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Upcoming NSCA Webinars and Roundtables:

Partner Alliance for Safer Schools: 2024 School Safety and Security Summer Camp

Webinar #2 — Tuesday, July 31at 11:00 am CDT
Webinar #3 — Tuesday, August 7 at 11:00 am CDT

The Partner Alliance for Safer Schools is pleased to present our second annual Summer Camp: A three-part webinar series for school administrators or anyone involved in securing our schools and creating safe learning environments for our kids.

Last year’s camp brought together professionals from around the country. This year we’re expecting the same turnout, so register today!

Realistic Steps to Improve RMR: And Why You Can’t Afford Not to Take Them

Tuesday, August 8 at 11:00 am CDT

No, an integrator can’t snap their fingers and launch a thriving recurring monthly revenue (RMR) program. This NSCA webinar isn’t intended to provide an easy fix to managed services woes. Attendees, however, will walk away with a few logical and achievable steps that can move them in the right direction.

Unfortunately, this is a much-needed webinar. The integration market has benefited from great demand stemming from how mission-critical its solutions are to customers coming out of the pandemic. Integration customers across all vertical markets depend on communication, security, life safety, and healthy building solutions – and are naturally inclined to pay for assurance of reliable systems. Too many integration companies missed an opportunity to convert that customer need into managed services and recurring monthly revenue.

Meanwhile, economic and market uncertainty make the lagging RMR more concerning. If integration project opportunities slow down as some NSCA business resource partners predict, the companies that do have significant RMR will be more insulated. The integration companies that are stuck in the mud with RMR will be vulnerable.

The NSCA community has heard this before, but typical integration companies’ percentage of revenue under contract hasn’t improved much. It may even have spun back. This webinar aims to take a reasonable approach to moving that needle. An expert panel that includes Revenueify’s Tyler Ebnet and integration company leaders use industry data to explain the urgency of the situation. They’ll outline incremental steps that integrators can take to put themselves on the right path toward significant RMR.

How Integration Companies Can Improve Efficiencies Using AI

Tuesday, August 13 at 11:00 am CDT

These days, artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the most topical subjects in AV and security circles. Increasingly, vendors are infusing AI capabilities into their products to do everything from improving camera framing to automating calculations. Clearly, there’s a massive appetite for AI out there right now.

But what about integrators and their businesses? How can integrators leverage the power of AI to streamline processes, improve efficiencies, fact-check information, and monitor and track their deployments? This informative, one-hour webinar will explore how integration businesses can seize the AI capabilities of today – and the exciting possibilities of tomorrow – to run better businesses.

This webinar, co-presented by Commercial Integrator + Security Sales & Integration and NSCA, will be information-packed and feature some of our industry’s foremost AI experts.

They’ll explain all of the following:

  • Which AI tools they are using and/or would recommend.
  • How AI tools can tangibly, meaningfully enhance an integrator’s business.
  • Why it’s critical to do your due diligence before jumping onto any AI tool.
  • What the future holds as AI capabilities develop day by day.

Our expert panelists will be:

  • Bill Fons of CTI
  • Brian Banks of Lone Star Communications
  • Clay Swanson, Risk Management Specialist, TrueNorth Companies
  • Dan Ferrisi of CI+SSI (as moderator)

Register today to participate in this hourlong thought-leadership presentation, including live Q&A. We promise you’ll leave inspired with new ideas on how AI can help you run a better, more profitable, more sustainable, more efficient integration business.

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