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Committees, Councils, & Staff

nsca team members giving gift to chuck wilson

Our People

The NSCA Team

Our team grows and strengthens NSCA and the commercial integration industry

Instead of relying solely on in-house staff, NSCA’s organizational structure and workforce is made up of our employees and a board of directors, plus active committees and councils. This connects the association connected to the real-world of integrators and gives members the opportunity to be involved in NSCA.

Be Part of Our Team

Want to Get Involved?

Our team grows and strengthens NSCA and the commercial integration industry

NSCA offers many volunteer opportunities for members who want to support the industry when they can. Whether you respond to a call for action on pending legislation, serve as a mentor, complete surveys to support our research, help plan our events, or volunteer to act as an expert during one of our webinars, your help is invaluable.


NSCA Committees, Councils, and staff

AI & Cyber Committee

Bill Fons

  • Chair
  • CTI

Mike Abernathy

  • NSCA Liaison
  • NSCA

Brian Banks

  • Lone Star Communications Inc.

Sid Bose

  • IceMiller

JB Fowler

  • Domotz

Ashish Maru

  • Red Thread

Clay Swanson

  • TrueNorth

Quang Trinh

  • Axis Communications


Our mission is to facilitate a comprehensive and evolving understanding of artificial intelligence (AI) and cybersecurity and its implications for NSCA members and the systems integration industry. To ensure compliance, enhanced security practices, and forward-thinking strategies that guide NSCA members. We aim to provide our members with up-to-date, actionable insights, resources, and collaborative opportunities to navigate the rapidly changing landscape of AI & cybersecurity legislation, technology, and applications.

Purpose Statement & Vision

To provide resources and tools that guide the systems integration industry regarding challenges our members are facing due to AI and cybersecurity.  Based on current information the committee will strive to be a trusted advisor for our members, enabling them to leverage AI and cybersecurity advancements effectively and ethically.


NSCA Committees, Councils, and staff

Business and Leadership Planning Committee

Tina Peters

  • Chair/Board Liaison
  • SVT

Emma Roby

  • NSCA Liaison
  • NSCA

Matt Barnette

  • PSA Security

Mike Bradley

  • EDC Systems LLC

Brad Dempsey

  • Solutions360

Laurie MacKeigan

  • Backman Vidcom

Michael Tremble

  • Valley Communications Systems


To represent the needs of the industry and help plan session topics and choose speakers that provide the highest value to attendees that commit time and resources to attending BLC.

NSCA Committees and Councils

Codes & Compliance Committee

Dan Schmidtendorff

  • Chair/Board Liaison
  • Communication Company

Chuck Wilson

  • Executive Director/CEO, Interim Chair and Staff Liaison
  • NSCA

Ron Tellas

  • NFPA 70 National Electric Code on Code-Making Panel 3
  • Belden

Brent Berger

  • NAICS, SOC, etc.
  • Bridges AV

Chuck Fairchild

  • UL 1069, NFPA 99, IoT, PoE
  • Fairchild Communications

Neil Lakomiak

  • Code conflicts and compliance, standards
  • Underwriters Laboratory

Scott Lord

  • NFPA 730/731, NFPA 3000, NFPA 72, NEC
  • PASS

Sean Daly

  • Licensing and code compliance
  • Diversified

Lauren Fenno

  • Contract law, license, permits, and compliance

Ron Willis

  • Specifications and code conflicts
  • Shen, Milsom & Wilke

Eric Jones

  • M/F Divisions 27 and 28, standards, code conflicts
  • SWC

Jason Potterf

  • Technical Leader
  • Cisco Systems, Inc.


To provide a focal point for awareness and action on key legislative and regulatory issues for our industry.

Purpose Statement & Vision

The primary purpose will be centered on a heightened awareness of critical issues that the NSCA board will need to be informed about, which will shape our legislative agenda. This group will focus on issues related to licensure, codes, standards, policy, compliance, permits, industry classifications, regulations, contract law, safety, and best practices in managing software licenses, obligations of agreements, etc.


The Codes and Compliance Committee is comprised of 10 industry volunteers who have a specific area of expertise in each of the key areas identified: legal experts, code experts, standards and compliance experts, etc. The executive director serves as an interim chair until the first meeting, where more structures and roles for members are determined.


Duties & Responsibilities

The committee may act in place and instead of the board of directors between board meetings on matters except those specifically reserved for the board by the bylaws, pursuant to delegation of authority to such committee by the board of directors. Actions of the committee shall be reported to the board for ratification by mail or at the next board meeting. A meeting may be carried out by teleconference to meet special requirements, needs, or emergencies of the association. Such meeting may be called at the discretion of the president or, in his absence, the vice president.

The committee shall annually review, negotiate, and arrange the compensation program for the executive director of the association. Such compensation program is subject to the approval of the board of directors. When approved, the committee shall arrange and have executed a management contract for the executive director together with a job description outlining duties, activities, and responsibilities for the position. Because the executive director is accountable to the committee through the president, the president shall be the primary spokesperson and communicator on behalf of the association.

NSCA Committees and Councils

Emerging Technologies Committee

Mike Abernathy

  • NSCA Liaison
  • NSCA

Harry Aller

  • Innovative Lighting

John Bailey


Sunil Botrada

  • AV Design Labs

Andy Bourquin

  • Radiant Technologies

Jeff Brum

  • Mechdyne Corporation

Michael Castigilione

  • Automated Systems Design

John Garmendi

  • Sony Electronics Professional Solutions Americas

Chris Gazdic

  • LibertyAV

Tim Hennen

  • Digital Labor Solutions

Joe Perez

  • ClearTech Media

Ryan Towner

  • Towner Communications


To always be aware of the enabling and disruptive technology our members will be providing or interfacing with and build awareness within our membership of the impact it will have on their business.

Purpose Statement & Vision

To provide sufficient information of emerging technologies that will enable integrators to make actionable decisions within their business. Based on the knowledge we currently have, we provide integrators with tools and resources to implement.


NSCA Committees and Councils

Executive Committee

Dale Bottcher

  • President

Christina DeBono

  • Vice President
  • ClearTech Media

Shedan Maghzi

  • Treasurer
  • Avidex

Don Mastro

  • Secretary
  • AVI Systems Inc.

Dan Schmidtendorff

  • Immediate Past President
  • Communication Company

Tom LeBlanc

  • Executive Director
  • NSCA


To provide a focal point for evaluation of the effectiveness, performance, and practices of the executive director and other staff.

Purpose Statement & Vision

Deals directly with the executive director contract and issues that may need to be dealt with between full board meetings. The focus of the committee will be related to staff and organizational issues.


The committee is comprised of the board members who have been elected by the board of directors in accordance with the bylaws of the association to serve as president, immediate past president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer. The executive director serves as an ex-officio member of the committee.

Duties & Responsibilities

The committee may act in place and instead of the board of directors between board meetings on matters except those specifically reserved for the board by the bylaws, pursuant to delegation of authority to such committee by the board of directors. Actions of the committee shall be reported to the board for ratification by mail or at the next board meeting. A meeting may be carried out by teleconference to meet special requirements, needs, or emergencies of the association. Such meeting may be called at the discretion of the president or, in his absence, the vice president.

The committee shall annually review, negotiate, and arrange the compensation program for the executive director of the association. Such compensation program is subject to the approval of the board of directors. When approved, the committee shall arrange and have executed a management contract for the executive director together with a job description outlining duties, activities, and responsibilities for the position. Because the executive director is accountable to the committee through the president, the president shall be the primary spokesperson and communicator on behalf of the association.

NSCA Committees and Councils

Financial Leadership Council

Chuck Wilson

  • NSCA Liaison
  • NSCA

Tom Barry

  • Tech Electronics

Jeff Bronswick

  • Bronswick Benjamin

Brad Dempsey

  • Solutions360

Joel Harris

  • Navigate Management Consulting

Eric Morris

  • Consultant

Christopher Mounts

  • AVI Systems Inc.

Mark Schweizer Jr

  • Ronco Communications


To create a peer group and financial interest community within the organization that provides our membership with a highly valuable resource for timely, relevant, and accurate methods of practicing financial leadership.


The NSCA Board of Directors will approve from the membership roster between six and 10 business and financial leaders to serve on this council. The council chair shall be appointed by the board and provide regular reports on activity and key deliverables.

The initial deliverables shall be quarterly roundtables. Two of these will be done in conjunction with BLC and XBO in the form of a workshop or webinar. The council will submit an article or recap of a roundtable for inclusion in Integrate, the NSCA official trade journal.

Purpose Statement & Vision

NSCA Committees and Councils

Leadership Development Council

Ray Bailey

  • Chair/Board Liaison
  • Lone Star Communications Inc.

Chuck Wilson

  • NSCA CEO Emeritus
  • NSCA

Mike Boettcher

  • Past President
  • EDGE

Kelly McCarthy

  • Past President
  • Consultant

Dan Schmidtendorff

  • Past President
  • Communication Company

Josh Shanahan

  • Past President
  • Sport View Technologies


This team will serve as our awards, governance, and nominations committee, consolidating the mission of all three into one cohesive group.

Purpose Statement & Vision

NSCA Committees and Councils

Membership & Marketing Committee

Don Mastro

  • Chair/Board Liaison
  • AVI Systems

Teresa Solorio

  • NSCA Liaison
  • NSCA

Allie Blok

  • NSCA

Ashley Buettner

  • Applied Video Technology

Michael Bridwell

  • AtlasIED

Sy Granillo

  • TRL Systems, Inc.

Max Johnson

  • NSCA

Shedan Maghzi

  • Avidex

Jessica Weiss

  • One Firefly

Brittni Woodland

  • Pivium


To provide leadership, guidance, support, and oversight on the NSCA brand promise and how we present ourselves relevant to the associations overall goals as well as provide recommendations to the board on dues structures for the numbers and categories of members we serve for future years.

Purpose Statement & Vision

NSCA Committees and Councils

Next Generation Committee

Tom LeBlanc

  • Board Liaison
  • NSCA

Justin Bailey

  • Lone Star Communications Inc.

Ashley Baird

  • NSCA

Allie Blok

  • NSCA

Brandon Conick

  • CTI

Brittany DiCesare

  • Control Concepts

Chase Fairchild

  • Fairchild Communications

Laura Janssen

  • NSCA

Max Johnson

  • NSCA

Xzavia Killikelly

  • Bose Professional

Emma Roby

  • NSCA

Ryan Staner

  • CEC


NSCA’s Next-Gen Committee is committed to seeking the very best training solutions and onboarding methods for this extremely complex industry landscape. The specific goal is to help support growth, preparation and advancement of the NSCA Community’s next generation of company leaders.

Based upon this vast experience and knowledge, we will share relevant research, and explain and debunk the complexities of our industry in the most meaningful ways that can help the next generation build a better integration business and become leaders of those companies at some point. The resources developed and identified by this committee include but aren’t limited to the development and ongoing planning of NSCA’s XBO Experience .

NSCA Committees, Councils, and staff

NSCA Staff


  • 3950 River Ridge Drive NE, Suite B
  • Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
  • 800.446.6722

Allie Blok

  • Business Development Manager
  • 319-861-8638

Ashley Baird

  • Human Resources & Project Management Specialist
  • 319-861-8631

Chuck Wilson

  • CEO Emeritus
  • 319-861-8635

Deb Gulick

  • CFO

Emma Roby

  • Event & Content Manager
  • 319-861-8646

Laura Janssen

  • Director of Workforce Development
  • 319-861-8627

Leah Garris

  • Marketing & Communications Content

Max Johnson

  • Senior Marketing and Channel Manager
  • 319-861-8629

Mike Abernathy

  • Director of Business Resources

Stephanie Cory

  • Accounting & Administrative Assistant
  • 319-861-8625

Teresa Solorio

  • Director of Operations
  • 319-861-8632

Tom LeBlanc

  • Executive Director