“You Get What You Measure” – Managing through Metrics

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Create DateOctober 15, 2019
Last UpdatedOctober 15, 2019

Presented by Brad Malone, Navigate Management Consulting

People adjust behavior based on the metrics they’re held against. Successful companies (and the people within them) measure things regularly – often against goals, plans, and projects. The most successful align the accomplishment of goals and objectives with measurable metrics, showing status and progress. This has a profound effect on culture, as well as how it grows the next generation of leadership.

Smart managers review key performance metrics in real time — without waiting for monthly or annual reports. These metrics are quantifiable performance measurements, agreed to by executive and middle management, which reflect critical success factors. They differ depending on the organization, but many will be similar with regard to categories. When selecting key performance metrics, it’s critical to limit them to factors essential to your organization reaching objectives.

This webinar will highlight several key performance metrics you should measure, show you how to create them, and give examples of aligning your organization to fulfill them.

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