Finish 2021 Strong Round Table

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Create DateAugust 26, 2021
Last UpdatedAugust 26, 2021

Indeed, the goal for all integration companies in the NSCA community should be to finish 2021 with as much momentum as possible. That’s what this NSCA Roundtable discussion, sponsored by Almo and Barco, tackles. Hear how participants get involved in this small-group session and share their perspectives. Together with your peers, develop your own list of action items that will help you to finish 2021 strong.

Discussions include:

    - Economic trends and exclusive NSCA research to identify the best opportunities for the remainder of the year
    - End user survey results which provide a window into your customers’ technology priorities as they look to emerge from the pandemic
    - Real-world ideas that can help you focus on the right areas of your business during Q3 and Q4 2021

This is not a presentation. This is a conversation with the NSCA community. Join NSCA’s Tom LeBlanc and Mike Abernathy; NSCA Board Members; and market experts from Almo and Barco.

Let’s finish 2021 strong together.

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