Integrated Project Delivery

January 13, 2012

Q: You keep saying BIM and IPD in the same sentence. I understand BIM, but what is IPD?

A: IPD stands for Integrated Project Delivery. It’s basically a new modeling, communications and delivery method for construction projects that like BIM, involve specialty contractors at the early stages of a project. Progressive building owners and managers have already started using this on major jobs. In the basic sense, it allows a team concept (like design-build) and aligning everyone involved with a mutual set of goals, timeframes, commitments on pricing, etc. The success or failure is shared amongst the whole team, not just one company. We are seeing this especially in healthcare projects where the owners have embraced the whole concept of getting everyone to have a say in the design of the building and it’s furnishings.

IPD like BIM is taking many of our members outside their traditional comfort zone. On one hand the risk is shared. On the other hand you take on risk that may have nothing to do with your ability to deliver as promised. I look at it like a collaboration where the best thinking of our members can add a great deal of value as the project progress, yet with strong contractual language that binds everyone together. I do suggest our members get better educated about this by attending educational sessions on this at the BLC in March, or at the InfoComm show in June. — CW

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