GPS and Geo Tracking

September 3, 2010

Q: Is it legal to do GPS and geo tracking on my employees cell phones?

A: While this practice is technically legal, there are many privacy issues related to GPS tracking. Most important is to make sure your employees understand the tracking application and its use. There are many benefits to using tracking programs, including the ability to expedite service calls, improve efficiencies, have a billing back up, track timesheets, and reimburse mileage. If you choose to use these applications, protect yourself and inform and educate your staff about the purpose and benefits of tracking employees who carry company-issued cell phones or drive company vehicles with tracking devices. Further protections are based on previous cases dealing with labor organizations and you should be open to negotiating the purposes and uses of tracking applications.

For more information, check out these links:

• Big boss is watching – CNET

• Using the GPS for Tracking People

• Judge: No Difference Between Cell Phone Tracking and GPS Vehicle Tracking

• Technology & Liberty

• Workplace Privacy and Employee Monitoring

• Can my location be tracked using my cell phone?

— CW

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